Publishing Failed. You Are Probably Offline. WordPress Error


When I created a new WordPress website, I first faced this problem.
The theme got installed in WordPress but the demo was not importing.
No post, page, categories, tags were being created. Was not saving.
This error comes Publishing Failed. You Are Probably Offline.

Answer ( 1 )


    Mixed Content Issue:

    Mixed content occurs when a webpage served over HTTPS also includes resources (such as images, stylesheets, scripts) that are loaded over HTTP. This can lead to browser security warnings and may affect the overall functionality of the website.

    More Solution ; 

    Check Cloudflare SSL/TLS Settings:

      • Log in to your Cloudflare account.
      • Navigate to the SSL/TLS settings section.
      • Confirm that the SSL/TLS encryption mode is set to “Full.”

    Explanation of SSL/TLS Encryption Modes:

      • Off: No encryption between your visitors and Cloudflare.
      • Flexible: Encrypts the connection between the visitor and Cloudflare, but not between Cloudflare and your server.
      • Full: Encrypts the connection between both the visitor and Cloudflare and between Cloudflare and your server.
      • Full (Strict): Similar to Full, but requires a valid SSL certificate on your server, ensuring end-to-end encryption.

    Reason for Choosing “Full” Encryption:

      • It seems that you’ve chosen the “Full” SSL/TLS encryption mode, indicating that both the client-server and Cloudflare-server connections are encrypted.

    Impact on Publishing:

      • The mixed content issue could have been affecting the WordPress publishing process, causing the “You Are Probably Offline” error.

    Fixing Mixed Content:

      • Review your WordPress site for mixed content issues. Look for resources (images, scripts, stylesheets) that are loaded over HTTP instead of HTTPS.
      • Update URLs to use the secure HTTPS protocol for all resources.
        • If you encounter further issues, ensure that your server has a valid SSL certificate, especially if you plan to use the “Full (Strict)” SSL/TLS encryption mode.

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